Tune in next week!For the review, I’ll first start by looking at the interface and usability of the application.

Its an apples to automobiles comparison.As far as the improvements of ver 2 over 1.my biggest impression is the fact that you don't have to spend time tweaking the sensitivity. I don't know how you could compare Melodyne to Midi Guitar 2.or 1 for that matter. I will then show a couple features, and give my final thoughts on the product.Before going any further I should mention that I am using the MIDI Guitar 2 Application, not the DAW plugin. While the plugin works well, I have had the least latency using the program outside of my DAW rather than from within it.
Version 2 is fine right out of the box, so to speak.R2R probably abandoned fixing vesion 2 because the developers dicked around with it for so long. Once it was adjusted it was fine but the initial setup was a pain. 1 if you didn't do a lot of tweaking it sounded like a train wreck.
Jam Midi Guitar Software Only Is
If I had a hundred bucks just sitting around I would gladly pay it but, being retired and just getting out of the hospital with a 13,000 dollar bill over my head.it ain't gonna happen.So.I wait and hope that R2R will take an interest someday. MIDI from analog is one thing but polyphonic MIDI from analog through software only is totally unheard of until now. I would have lost interest too if I didn't think it had the great potential it does.I don't think a lot of folks understand how monumental an achievement this thing is.